A mind for language

What to read next after John’s Gospel

2022-08-27 00:00:01

I was wondering which OT (LXX) book would have the least unfamiliar vocabulary after reading John. Then I was wondering about GNT books as well.1

The two sections in the post present the same data, but starting from different points. The first section shows the stats calculated on knowing teh vocabulary in John’s Gospel and the second sections presents them based on knowing the vocab in 1st John.

In the tables below a word is considered unknown if it does not show up in John/1st John (depending on the section). The tables also show the total number of lemmas and the word count for each book.

Starting after reading John’s Gospel

If we know the vocabulary in John’s Gospel, then 1st John ranking so highly is not surprising. Thus, 1st John would be the logical next step. Then reading 2nd John would probably be a good step because, even though the percentage unknown words may be higher than options higher in the table, the total number of unknown words is so small.

That Judges would have so few unfamiliar words percentage-wise surprises me. This means that it would fall at the 95% comprehensible mark thus making a good choice to read after John and 1st John.

After that I would probably skp to Revelation or Genesis despite Leviticus coming higher in the table because they are still above the 95% known vocabulary mark and they are largely narrative which I think is easier to follow.

Book Unknown words Total Unknown Total Lemmas Total Words
JHN 0.0 0 999 15438
1JH 2.1058 45 233 2137
Judg 4.1901 1321 1750 31527
Lev 4.596 877 1237 19082
Ezek 4.8621 1442 1909 29658
REV 4.8815 480 911 9833
2JH 4.898 12 95 245
Gen 4.9039 1597 2096 32566
Ps 4.9079 1716 2225 34964
Num 5.2676 1320 1745 25059
1Sam 5.2854 1064 1475 20131
MAT 5.4013 990 1680 18329
Deut 5.4806 1260 1714 22990
Exod 5.5569 1379 1877 24816
Jer 5.6135 1625 2134 28948
2Kgs 5.7551 1085 1480 18853
1Kgs 5.7636 1199 1613 20803
2Chr 5.7697 1232 1646 21353
MRK 6.353 717 1341 11286
Isa 6.3897 1730 2288 27075
2Sam 6.5655 1177 1609 17927
LUK 6.9114 1344 2046 19446
1Mac 6.9484 1271 1744 18292
DanTh 7.0219 734 1116 10453
TobS 7.3275 530 912 7233
Dan 7.6895 829 1245 10781
ACT 7.6906 1416 2032 18412
1CO 7.9712 543 952 6812
Qoh 8.051 366 643 4546
Josh 8.6842 1386 1760 15960
TobBA 8.777 483 833 5503
Ruth 8.832 183 374 2072
ROM 9.3692 661 1054 7055
2Esdr 9.4254 1250 1625 13262
Sir 10.1511 1894 2425 18658
Jdt 10.3227 947 1346 9174
Job 10.3753 1407 1912 13561
Zech 10.3969 516 826 4963
2CO 10.4851 469 786 4473
Esth 11.1587 652 988 5843
1TH 11.2695 166 361 1473
GAL 11.3208 252 519 2226
PsSol 11.5104 567 853 4926
Bar 11.7715 307 539 2608
Hag 11.8268 112 238 947
1Chr 11.8505 1925 2281 16244
Prov 11.967 1336 1795 11164
EPH 12.0033 290 528 2416
2TH 12.1951 100 249 820
1Esdr 12.475 1122 1492 8994
3JH 12.7854 28 108 219
BelTh 12.8588 112 253 871
HEB 12.8875 636 1029 4935
Jonah 13.3028 145 296 1090
Hos 13.4484 530 811 3941
SusTh 13.4921 153 331 1134
Od 13.733 575 882 4187
Mal 13.8418 196 353 1416
Bel 14.3174 129 260 901
PHIL 14.3911 234 442 1626
COL 14.4304 228 430 1580
Amos 14.7975 475 714 3210
Sus 15.7828 125 282 792
2Mac 15.9017 1895 2371 11917
Cant 16.0988 326 531 2025
4Mac 16.3761 1287 1659 7859
Lam 16.4366 393 623 2391
JAM 16.4462 286 555 1739
Mic 16.6807 395 635 2368
Joel 16.7089 264 444 1580
PHI 17.6647 59 140 334
EpJer 17.7432 228 394 1285
1PE 17.8188 299 543 1678
Zeph 19.0515 233 381 1223
Wis 19.3144 1341 1754 6943
Obad 19.4915 92 188 472
2PE 19.5811 215 399 1098
1TI 20.0503 319 538 1591
2TI 20.2429 250 452 1235
JUD 20.6972 95 226 459
3Mac 22.1918 1134 1468 5110
Hab 22.7149 251 420 1105
TIT 23.824 157 300 659
Nah 24.6531 231 367 937

Starting after reading 1st John

It’s interesting that Judges still ranks slightly higher than John’s Gospel. Percentage wise the difference is small, and Judges is about twice as long the Gospel which could account for this. Having twice as many words, it also has about twice as many total lemmas as well as unknown word. No wonder the percentages are similar

Book Unknown words Total Unknown Total Lemmas Total Words
1JH 0.0 0 233 2137
Judg 5.094 1606 1750 31527
JHN 5.2533 811 999 15438
Lev 5.817 1110 1237 19082
Ps 5.8718 2053 2225 34964
Gen 5.9418 1935 2096 32566
Ezek 5.9444 1763 1909 29658
Num 6.4248 1610 1745 25059
1Sam 6.6067 1330 1475 20131
Deut 6.7812 1559 1714 22990
Jer 6.7915 1966 2134 28948
Exod 6.9391 1722 1877 24816
2Chr 7.0388 1503 1646 21353
1Kgs 7.1096 1479 1613 20803
2Kgs 7.1554 1349 1480 18853
REV 7.6477 752 911 9833
Isa 7.8227 2118 2288 27075
MAT 8.1401 1492 1680 18329
2Sam 8.1832 1467 1609 17927
1Mac 8.7033 1592 1744 18292
DanTh 9.2988 972 1116 10453
LUK 9.5135 1850 2046 19446
ACT 10.0424 1849 2032 18412
Dan 10.1197 1091 1245 10781
Josh 10.188 1626 1760 15960
MRK 10.3757 1171 1341 11286
TobS 10.701 774 912 7233
2Esdr 11.22 1488 1625 13262
Qoh 11.4606 521 643 4546
1CO 11.6853 796 952 6812
2JH 11.8367 29 95 245
Sir 12.086 2255 2425 18658
ROM 12.6435 892 1054 7055
TobBA 12.684 698 833 5503
Job 12.8825 1747 1912 13561
Jdt 13.0913 1201 1346 9174
1Chr 13.2726 2156 2281 16244
Ruth 14.0444 291 374 2072
Zech 14.2857 709 826 4963
2CO 14.2857 639 786 4473
Prov 14.5826 1628 1795 11164
PsSol 14.6163 720 853 4926
Esth 14.6671 857 988 5843
1Esdr 15.0434 1353 1492 8994
EPH 16.4735 398 528 2416
Bar 16.7561 437 539 2608
1TH 17.1758 253 361 1473
HEB 17.5279 865 1029 4935
GAL 17.655 393 519 2226
Hos 17.6859 697 811 3941
Od 17.8887 749 882 4187
2TH 18.2927 150 249 820
2Mac 18.5114 2206 2371 11917
4Mac 19.1246 1503 1659 7859
Amos 19.19 616 714 3210
Hag 19.2186 182 238 947
Mal 19.3503 274 353 1416
PHIL 19.8032 322 442 1626
COL 19.8734 314 430 1580
Jonah 20.0 218 296 1090
SusTh 20.7231 235 331 1134
3JH 21.0046 46 108 219
Bel 21.3097 192 260 901
BelTh 21.6992 189 253 871
Lam 22.041 527 623 2391
Cant 22.2222 450 531 2025
Mic 22.3395 529 635 2368
Wis 22.8287 1585 1754 6943
Joel 23.1013 365 444 1580
PHI 23.9521 80 140 334
Sus 24.2424 192 282 792
JAM 24.9569 434 555 1739
EpJer 24.9805 321 394 1285
1PE 25.0298 420 543 1678
2PE 25.7741 283 399 1098
1TI 25.8328 411 538 1591
Zeph 25.8381 316 381 1223
3Mac 25.9491 1326 1468 5110
2TI 27.5304 340 452 1235
Obad 29.661 140 188 472
TIT 30.8042 203 300 659
Hab 30.8597 341 420 1105
Nah 32.9776 309 367 937
JUD 33.1155 152 226 459


I find these numbers interesting. I hope they are useful to you as you decide what Biblical Text to read in Greek next.